About Thompson College Consulting

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Who We Are

Thompson College Consulting (TCC) is an independent educational consulting  firm located in Concord, Massachusetts. TCC’s mission is to guide a select number of  students and families through the entire college planning, search, application and selection process.  

Marianne M. Thompson, TCC’s founder, holds a bachelor's degree in education and mathematics from Boston College and a Masters degree in education from Harvard University Graduate School of Education.  Marianne also holds a Certificate in College Counseling from University of California-Los Angeles.  

Her prior professional experience is all in the field of education, as a teacher and curriculum developer.  Marianne’s experience as a math teacher grounds her knowledge of child development, cognitive development and learning styles.  Her experience as a curriculum developer for the K-12 market provided the background needed to develop a college counseling curriculum that educates and engages clients in the complex process of college admissions. Marianne’s experience as an Ivy League admissions interviewer provides insights from the college admissions office perspective.

Marianne is committed to the highest ethical standards of independent educational consultants and the professional college admissions community.  She will stay informed of changes and trends in the college admissions landscape and the college counseling profession by visiting college campuses, attending professional conferences, reading professional publications, and collaborating with colleagues.


What We Do

Thompson College Consulting (TCC) is dedicated to helping students and their families navigate the entire college planning, search, application and selection process. Known for our low student-to-counselor ratio, TCC’s high touch, holistic process is designed to demystify college admissions and identify those options that meet your unique needs. We’ll help you find your fit, create strategies for getting there, and have fun along the way! 

TCC’s discovery, search and application process is highly personalized. We take the time to get to know you well, your academic strengths and interests, social preferences, and financial situation.  We employ online tools and in-person meetings to help you identify your needs and preferences, forming the basis of the college search process. We’ll help you think strategically about your high school course selections and extra-curricular activities. The focus throughout is on identifying colleges that will be the best fit for you, so that you may thrive academically and socially during your college experience. 


TCC’s process is highly structured...

You and your parents will know what to expect every step of the way. We utilize a state-of-the-art online platform to help you stay on track, on time, and on your parent’s good side! This allows sufficient time to complete each step and your parents to monitor progress, thereby alleviating stress for you and your family. 

Our program will enable you to identify optimal college search criteria, conduct an organized and focused college search, successfully complete the application process and achieve your individual goals for college and beyond.


And we’re here when you need us...

College admissions can be stressful at times, but our boutique approach is designed to help you through the tough moments! Unlike many counselors who may limit communications, TCC values consistent communication and is available via all modes of communication. Family meetings and some meetings with students are in person, with many working sessions with students being conducted online.